The Substance Misuse and Abuse Reduction Team

SMART (Substance Misuse and Abuse Reduction Team) is a drug prevention coalition with 45 volunteers. Our mission is to prevent teen Rx pain pill and alcohol abuse. SMART members contribute to this blog. To find out more call 801-851-7181 or email See our website at

Monday, November 17, 2008

Utah Medical Examiner Data

Review Utah Medical Examiner data at - Answer the following questions:
  1. Overall, how do geographic areas within your county compare on the consequence data rates? Do any stand out as high or low? Discuss differences.
  2. Do you think the data accurately reflect the related problems in the community? Why or why not?
  3. What does the trend data available for the consequences suggest in the different geographic areas? Is the problem increasing, decreasing, or staying the same? Discuss differences and patterns.
  4. Do the consequences in some geographic areas appear to be more of a problem than in others? Why?
  5. Are there differences in patterns of consequences between age groups?
  6. Are there differences in patters of consequence between gender?
  7. Are there differences in patterns of consequences between age and gender and location?

1 comment:

Kye said...

1. Overall, how do geographic areas within your county compare on the consequence data rates? Do any stand out as high or low? Discuss differences.

PRESCRIPTION NARCOTICS: Provo and Orem have the highest number of total deaths, followed by Pleasant Grove, American Fork, Springville and Payson.

However, when the data is broken down by rate per capita, Payson, Alpine, Lehi, American Fork, Santaquin, Pleasant Grove, Orem, Mapleton, Springville, and Salem (ranked from most deaths down) had the most deaths per capita from 2005 to 2007.

INTERESTING COMPARISON NOTE – Comparing prescription narcotic shipments into Utah County and Medical Examiner deaths - Payson, American Fork, and Orem receive the highest number of narcotic shipments to their city pharmacies.
Comparing narcotic ER visits in Utah County and Medical Examiner deaths – Springville, Spanish Fork, Payson, Santaquin, and Orem have a high number of per capita ER visits.

2.Do you think the data accurately reflect the related problems in the community? Why or why not?
Honestly, it is hard to tell.

When comparing Medical Examiner data with other data sets, certain cities continue to surface – Payson, American Fork, Springville, and Orem. However, some of the highest per capita rates (Alpine and Lehi) rank relatively low in other data sets. The Medical Examiner data does, in part, reflect the south county which is consistent with our other data.

3.What does the trend data available for the consequences suggest in the different geographic areas? Is the problem increasing, decreasing, or staying the same? Discuss differences and patterns.

PRESCRIPTION NARCOTICS: The only cities with consistent increases in the total number of deaths are Provo and Payson (from 2005 to 2007).

Question #1 identified Payson, Alpine, Lehi, American Fork, Santaquin, Pleasant Grove, Orem, Mapleton, Springville, and Salem (ranked from most deaths down) had the most deaths per capita from 2005 to 2007. In terms of trends for these cities, American Fork and Orem deaths increased from 2006to 2007.

Payson, Alpine, Pleasant Grove, and Santaquin deaths decreased in 2007. Lehi deaths went down in 2006, but rose to 2005 level in 2007. We cannot explain the trends in the data – it is relatively sporadic.

4.Do the consequences in some geographic areas appear to be more of a problem than in others? Why?

Yes, some geographic locations are more affected than other locations. Question #1 identified Payson, Alpine, Lehi, American Fork, Santaquin, Pleasant Grove, Orem, and Mapleton, Springville, and Salem (ranked from most deaths down) have the most deaths per capita from 2005 to 2007.

The southern cities are consistent with trends in other data sets, but Alpine, Lehi, Pleasant Grove, Mapleton are generally anomalies compared to other data sets. It is interesting to consider the difference in demographic, particularly Socio-economic status, of Alpine, Lehi, PG, and Mapleton to the other southern cities identified.

5. Are there differences in patterns of consequences between age groups?

Yes. The average age was 35 years old, youngest was 12 and oldest 78. It is interesting to note that the age group with the most number deaths were between 20 and 29 (they comprised 35% of all deaths).
When age groups are broken down by rate per 10,000, to compare impact on each age group, ages 20 to 34 and ages 44 to 54 have the most deaths.

6. Are there differences in patters of consequence between gender?

According to Medical Examiner death data, males are much more likely to die from prescription narcotic related problems (data shows about 70% male and 30% female).

7. Are there differences in patterns of consequences between age and gender and location?
Question #1 identified Payson, Alpine, Lehi, American Fork, Santaquin, Pleasant Grove, Orem, Mapleton, Springville, and Salem (ranked from most deaths down) had the most deaths per capita from 2005 to 2007. Concern age and gender for the top cities for data between 2005 to 2007.

Payson – almost even between genders, however males are typically younger (age ranges from 15 to 44) than females (age ranges from 25 to 54).

Alpine – males die more often. Males age range is large (between 15 to 74). Female age range between 20 to 39.

Lehi - almost even between genders, however males are typically younger (age ranges from 20 to 44) than females (age ranges from 25 to 54). Interesting, this generally follows Payson’s data.

American Fork - males die more often. Males age range is clustered (between 15 to 49). Female age range between 33 to 44.
Santaquin – all males, not females. Males age range is large (between 15 to 64).

Pleasant Grove - almost even between genders, however males are typically younger (age ranges from 15 to 54) than females (age ranges from 30 to 69). Interesting, this generally follows Payson’s and Lehi’s data.

Orem - males die more often. Males age range is between (between 15 to 59 – highest # in 20 to 24 age range). Female age range between 20 to 64 (highest # in 25 to 29 age range).

Springville - Females die slightly more often. Males age range is clustered (between 25 to 54). Female age range between 20 to 64. Springville is the only city analyzed, so far, that has more female death.